A Guide to Moist Grilled Chicken Recipes

Chicken is a useful meat that you can cook all kinds of ways, and when the weather warms up, allowing you to grill it, it just gets better. Almost all of us are ready for a break from the usual recipes we have been making all winter, making grilling a welcome option. No matter whether you prefer gas or charcoal, great grilled chicken is exactly the same everywhere.

Well grilled meat has a skin that is crisp and burnished without being burnt. The meat is moist and the flavor is just a little smoky. Good chicken cooked on the grill should never be dry or underdone in the middle. If you are having trouble getting your meat to do what you want it to on the grill, here are some tips that could help.

There are lots of ways to make grilled chicken, from using your favorite cuts and convenience meats to different rubs, glazes and marinates. It does not matter what recipes you decide to use – it can easily be adapted for great results. All you need to do is pay attention to a few things to get delicious tender meat with a crisp skin.

Depending on what part of the bird you are cooking, you will need the right grill temperature and cooking time to make sure that it turns out well. That is because poultry is much less forgiving and offers less leeway when cooking with too much heat than beef or pork. Both of those meats have a lot more fat, and their fattiness helps preserve moisture, even when the heat gets too high.

You will need to pay attention to the internal temperature of your chicken, since it is prone to drying out quickly at temperatures above the recommended minimum of a hundred and sixty five degrees set by the US Department of Agriculture. If you keep an instant read meat thermometer close at hand when grilling, you will have a much better time. This is particularly important if you are using meat with bones in it or cooking whole birds, which can be unpredictable.

You might have to take a few tries to figure out the timing of the grilling process, but there are lots of simple grilled chicken recipes out there that you can use and work with, so you will probably eat fairly well while you are working it out. This learning process is one you are going to look forward to and is easier than you think to achieve.

If you are grilling the whole bird, it may be a good idea to butterfly your bird. This flattening process allows it to cook evenly throughout, and works best when the bird is between three and four pounds. Just remove the backbone by cutting on either side with sharp shears, then press on the breastbone to flatten the bird.

There are, of course, options for people who do not want to deal with the extra hassle of bone-in pieces or whole birds. Choose boneless breasts and thighs for even quicker grilling times. Just remember that they are thin and consistent in texture, making them easy to overcook. Carefully watching these pieces and staying attentive is the secret to getting great boneless chicken on the grill.

Author Bio: If you’re getting ready to fire up the grill and want more tips for grilling chicken, you should take a look at the helpful info found at our site. If you’re firing up the grill, but you’ ld like to get more out of grilled chicken recipes, we have the resource you will need. http://www.BonelessChickenRecipe.com – Chicken so delightfully moist, you can almost smell it through your monitor.

Category: Cooking
Keywords: grilled chicken,moist grilled chicken,good grilled chicken,simple grilled chicken

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