Take Action to Save a Broken Relationship

Is your romantic relationship broken? This can be heart breaking. Don’t just sit there! Take action to save your broken relationship. Trust that you have the ability to save your broken relationship in ways that no other person has. With the desire and love to save your broken relationship there is literally nothing that can stand in your way.

Look honestly at the weak areas of your time together. When a break up occurs, something has triggered it. The mistake many couples make is that they point to the wrong thing. They blame his flirting with someone while he is on a business trip when really the deeper issue is that there is a lack of trust in the relationship. Don’t simply look at “why” you broke up, but look at what was challenging about being with your partner and what was hard to do.

Accept that no one is perfect. Broken relationships often occur because people have high expectations…sometimes they expect their partners to be even better than they are! This is a lot to live up to as a husband or wife. No romantic partner is perfect because everyone has their faults. Starting by accepting that each of us is not perfect is an excellent beginning. Know that your partner will have some type of faults and foibles of their own instead of searching for a God or Goddess to have a romantic affair with. You want a real relationship, not a fantasy one.

Be willing to change and accept change. The secret to the very best long-lasting love affairs is that they can stand together, hand-in-hand through the changes. Just like the marriage vows say, “for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, for better or worse….” Life brings us highs and lows. Sometimes life seems very unfair and we don’t know why. If things are low for you or your partner it will affect you as a partner in the relationship. Be willing to accept changes and to stand by them through the changes with love.

Look to improve yourself first. It is so easy to point the finger at our partner and say “they did this, they did that” and you know what? They probably did do that. But begin by looking at yourself and how you can change and improve. Every relationship has sides and work on improving your side. Make your side of the street the best it can be. Your self-improvement efforts will be noticed by your partner who will likely work to improve themselves.

Improve your communication skills. Many people don’t know the skill called “active listening.” This is listening in a way where you encourage the person to talk more, and to give you more information. Most of us simply wait for our turn to talk in a conversation and we are so busy talking that we don’t listen. Spend more time listening to your partner and you may discover that they have been telling you all along what is wrong. Focus on understanding their side and together you can find ways to heal your broken relationship.

Author Bio: Not every relationship has to end after a break up. Find proven strategies for getting your ex back at GetBackMyEx.com

Category: Break-up
Keywords: broken relationship,romantic partner,broken relationships,communication,ex

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