Simple Ways to Become an Effective Parent to Your Children

Parenting is not an easy task as one thought it is because you have to invest emotions, time, money, knowledge and effort to become an efficient or better parent there is. You have to ensure that your child is cared and nurtured in a loving and supportive environment for them to grow and become a better person.

It is not enough that you to provide your children’s basic needs, but you should also establish respect between them. You need to know what you expect of them and in return, you must learn to listen and wait.

Do not hurry them to grow and to become adults because babies and children have their own time frame. Take time and cherish every moment of the day as you spend time with them because you cannot regain the time lost.

Take time to observe your children by sitting back and watching. Through it, you will understand their abilities, moods and temperament in life. Listen to their stories, achievements and frustrations in life. Lend a hand and become a friend to them.

Be Optimistic. Show your children how you overcome minor problems and setbacks in life because they learn to emulate and follow their parents’ attitudes and habits, thus, it pays to have a positive outlook.

Listen, acknowledge and accept your children’s feelings and desires. Assure them that it is okay to feel sad, angry and scared. Emphatize with them and show your concern to them.

Be honest and tell your children about your expectations. Even if they do not comply immediately, explain to them and let them understand what you expect of them. Set appropriate limits and rules at home. Explain to them the appropriate behaviors and rules that you want them to follow.

Nurture your children’s self-esteem. Praise their accomplishments, no matter how big or trivial it is, because it will make them feel capable and strong. Belittling them and comparing them with other children will make them feel worthless. Be generous with rewards given, like hugs, compliments and more.

No matter how busy your schedules are, both at home and in the office, always make time for your child. Those who did not receive enough attention and care from parents often act out and misbehave to get their parents’ attention. Search for means to connect with them, like putting a note or special special in their bags or lunch box.

Become a good role model to them. Majority of children learn from you. Model the traits that you want to cultivate in them, including honesty, friendliness, kindness, tolerance, and respect. Never hesitate to express thanks and offer compliments as well. Never forget to treat them the way you want other individuals to treat you.

Establish an open line of communication. Be open to your children’s suggestion and let them participate in decision making to motivate them.

Show them that you have unconditional love. Correct their mistakes in a nice way and avoid blaming, faultfinding and criticizing them because it will lead to resentment.

Author Bio: Melody N. Andes enjoys writing for which sells play tents and classrom rugs as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Family Concerns
Keywords: effective parent,parenting,good parents,challenges in parenting,family time

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