A Guide to Healthy Reciepes

The common idea about \”eating healthy\” is that you will be subjected to torturous boring meals that all taste and look the same. This idea could never be more wrong now more than ever.

To avoid this belief that eating healthy makes for a monotonous and boring meal, this article will contain a guide to healthy reciepes that will show the many ways a healthy meal can be made into a tasty and interesting meal that would be delicious not only in the palate but also to the sight.

Fruits and cereal or oatmeal make for a good breakfast in the morning. Some ideas for a healthy breakfast would be a fresh fruit smoothie or salad. You can blend in ingredients like yogurt (low-fat, unsweetened types are the best choices), orange, mango, pineapple or lemon juice, add to that slices of fresh fruits such as bananas, apples, strawberries (other berries with a potent antioxidant content are blackberries and blueberries) and the like, then you can put in protein powder to your mixture and start blending. You can get this done in as little as 6 to 10 minutes and you\’d have a power-packed breakfast.

Or you can also try turning this mixture into a fresh fruit salad as well. It looks really tasty, and is really naturally healthy- almost nothing processed because the best part of this recipe is that you are able to prepare it for yourself in as little time as possible. You can even make the fruit salad the night before and leave it in the fridge so the morning after, you can just take it out and have your breakfast.

Oatmeal, porridge, and whole-grain cereals are also tasty ideas for breakfast. To add to this recipe, you can slice fresh fruits into little bits and add them to the mix. Including berries and nuts will also be good.

For lunch, you can try making your own sandwiches and bringing them with you to work or at school. Use whole-wheat bread instead of the regular ones because whole-wheat contains good carbohydrates and more fiber which helps in the elimination of toxins from the body. For your whole wheat bread, you can use homemade peanut butter as a filling. Nuts are also a rich source of choline which is good for the brain as well as antioxidants which are also good for the skin, you can either snack on them as they are for your in-between meals or use peanut butter filling for your lunch sandwich.

Aside from peanut butter, you can also use chicken or fish meat as filling for your sandwich. It is good to use olive oil or sunflower oil instead of regular oil when cooking your meat. In fact, if you can, instead of frying your meat, try to smoke, grill, broil or bake them instead, then all the better for it. Just add slices of fruit and vegetable to your sandwich such as lettuce, tomatoes and/or cucumber slices then you\’ll be good enough to go.

Some good ideas for a tasty dinner recipe would be to eat a bowl of vegetable salad and homemade dressing. Here you can also add chicken- remove the skin and bones and add them to the mix.

You can also try making burgers by cooking your pork in apple juice and substitution other ingredients for their healthier equivalents.

Eating healthy does not need to be bland- there are lots more recipes that you can check out which will surely prove that eating healthy is actually a very fulfilling and deliciously satisfying experience- without the guilt.

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Category: Cooking
Keywords: eating healthy,peanut butter,healthy reciepes

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