Keyword Research Made Easy

Keyword research is an integral part of your SEO efforts. Identifying the right keywords and key phrases is essential to generate relevant traffic to your website. This process of researching key phrases has been made simple with certain online tools.

Researching Keywords

When you are researching keywords you have to determining the search terms that your target audience is most likely to type in when looking for a product or service related to your industry. By using free tools like Google Adwords Keyword Tool, you can get a list of relevant keywords and also understand the competition that different keywords have generated.

You have to note that searching for a general word like ‘knife’ will pull up more than a 100,000 results. You have to narrow down your list of keywords to specifics like ‘carbon steel carving knife’ to gain an advantage from your SEO efforts.

Take a look at the first page your keyword search pulls up. This is obviously a list of your biggest competitors. Search results are listed in a descending order of ranks. Take a look at their page rank and go through the content of their site.

If the first page of search results contains pages with a high PageRank and very detailed content, you will need to put in some effort to top the list. Conversely, if the top search results have a lower PageRanks or the content seems to be disorganized, it may just make a good keyword to go ahead and work on.

Keyword research tools

There are a variety of online tools to meet your keyword research requirements. Some services are subscription based while others are free. A good place to initiate and sharpen your keyword search endeavors is with the Google Adwords Keyword Tool. It is a simple tool which can provide you with an exhaustive list of matching and related keywords. It also provides you with monthly statistics on searches based on your keyword made through the Google search engine.

In addition to the keyword search tools available for free there are many other tools you can use to find more detailed information and long-tail keywords. Some tools also enable you to instantly check on factors such as competition, advertisers and popularity.

For a more advanced keyword search, you can use a tool like Micro Niche Finder, which has a onetime purchasing fee. Or you can sign up for subscription packages from sources such as the paid version of SEOmoz, Wordtracker, SEO Elite, ShoeMoney, etc.

There are a few key steps you must go through in order to find the right keyword to use. Checking up on the quality of content your competitor uses and their PageRank will give you a fair idea on what you need to do to increase your effective number of page hits. There are various tools and websites available for free or for a small fee which can effectively aid you in your search to find the perfect keyword(s). But you should also know that keyword research is not a very complex task even if you choose to do it without using online tools.

Author Bio: For more information on search engine optimisation specialists and keyword research, contact the best seo company specialist at

Category: Marketing
Keywords: technology, marketing, seo, seo company, seo specialist, keyword research, research, keywords,

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