Different Types of Registered Nurse Training Programs

Registered nurse training programs can be obtained at different settings – colleges, universities, community schools, junior colleges, hospitals. Typically, a bachelor’s degree in nursing requires four years of college or university study while an associate degree requires two to three years of junior college or community school learning. Similarly, diploma courses and training programs for registered nurses can be completed for at least three years at various hospitals.

These three RN training programs can be used to climb to higher level of registered nursing education. Those who completed diploma courses and associate degrees in nursing can take bachelor’s degree in nursing while working in a health care setting. This situation gives them the advantage of the tuition fee reimbursement programs offered by different health care work places to their personnel who want to further their studies and career. Likewise, those who finished bachelor’s degree can take master’s and doctorate degree to become nurse practitioners.

Basically, students who finish diploma, associate degree or bachelor’s degree for nursing are qualified to land entry-level jobs at various health care institutions. However, there are some employers that will require applicants to be licensed for the profession. As such, it has now become an utmost priority of those who finished registered nurse raining programs to pass the licensure exams for nurses. This examination does not only give them an edge over other applicants, this also ensures that they will receive the due salary that is equivalent of their profession.

Individuals who are seriously considering a career as a registered nurse must be keen in choosing the training programs that suits them or at least the career path that they want. Diploma and associate degree training programs for RN give an individual the opportunity to hold the highest nurse positions in a particular work place. As we all know, RNs supervise licensed practical nurses (LPNs) and certified nursing assistants (CNAs). The same situation is true for those who finished bachelor’s degree. Nonetheless, BSN graduates have more opportunities to advance further in the hierarchy. Their BSN completion allows them to pursue MSN education.

MSN or master’s degree in nursing gives registered nurses the chance to hold administrative posts. Completion of this RN training program also permits them to hold special licenses either as nurse-midwives, nurse anesthetists, nurse practitioners, and prescribers. All of these specialties give them higher salaries than any other nursing posts.

At present, there is still a high demand for registered nurses worldwide. This is one of the apparent reasons why there are many professionals who are taking up registered nurse training programs as their second course. One of the prominent nurse training programs for second coursers is the Accelerated BSN program. This program allows bachelor’s degree graduates of any course to finish BSN in as fast as 12 to 18 months. There are also MSN programs offered for other bachelor’s degree or master’s degree holders.

The projected demand for registered nurses is expected to rise up again in the coming years. With this, there is also a projected rise in registered nurse training programs that will be made available to interested individuals. More specialties are also expected to be offered as the changing times create them.

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Category: Education
Keywords: registered nurse training

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