How To Quit Your Job In 3 Easy Steps And Become A Stay-At-Home Mom Or Dad

An important step to be a stay-at-home mom or dad if you are working away from your children is to actually start to stay home. Several parents succeeded; we did it too, with a strong will. Remember that you surely can do it too, and that your whole family will enjoy it and you will live unforgettable moments. Being at home I see all that I would I have missed, every day – I feel so blissful and at the same time sad for all the parents and children that are missing that, so it makes me want to share my tips even more! Here are some tricks to easily make the transition:


Work at home more often, and demonstrate that you are more efficient that way because there are fewer interruptions and you\’re more focused.

You could therefore plan to work from home more often and already begin to see the benefits of being more at home as you may get the time you lose in the car and the traffic to spend with your children. You can also take the opportunity to do tasks that require a passive presence, such as doing the laundry or let a meal simmer. If your children go to school you can receive them for dinner or if they go to daycare you can bring them there later or bring them home earlier (e.g. let them do their nap at home). In your \’\’bubble\’\’ without external demands, constant meetings, annoying phones, stress can come down and you could work faster. In addition, you choose your schedule so you can start your work hours early and spend the rest of the day with your child.

This trick applies to both parents! You may choose the same working day at home and see each other more, or alternate days so that each parent can spend time with the child in particular and that for him there is always a parental presence at home.

Tell your boss today, and you could start this very week!


Again, this would allow you to spend more time with your children and begin the transition to home, while placing your salary aside for more resources when you get there and seeing how to adjust your lifestyle by living on one income if you don’t work from home.


You’re much likely to delay if you don’t act now. If there is an offer to take the leave, take it. Or arrange with your employer to end your employment and stay on employment insurance if needed, which could allow you some money and time to find a part-time job from home or start your own part-time business if needed. You can also keep the door open at your actual job and you could arrange if possible to take a sabbatical year or use other available methods to take a long leave so this way you will know if the at home lifestyle is perfect for you. You would also have a plan B, even if sometimes it\’s better not having one to ensure successful staying at home.

In summary, you will see your family more often. You must dare to ask, after all, if you work from home starting the transition, your company is winning with you being more productive and happy. There are even companies in the United States who want their employees to work from home because it is more economical especially for office costs. I think it\’s a lifestyle that will happen more and more.


It was an extract of the course coming up in 2011 : Exactly How To Stay Home With Your Child… And Be Happy And Accomplished Being There!

To know more about blissfully staying home and do the exercises that you can adapt specifically to your family, get this excellent and original course at \’\’Blissful Stay-At-Home Moms and Dads\’\’

Author Bio: You can use it for your site! But include this : Marie-Eve Boudreault is a sociologist and the author of the website and ebooks on how to be Blissful Stay-At-Home Moms and Dads. Improve your life by subscribing to her ezine and get 2 free ebooks as a bonus \’\’10 Tips to Be A Blissful Stay-At-Home Parent\’\’ and \’\’Activities For Bored Kids\’\’, a limited double offer! Articles, ebooks, exclusive stay-at-home parent forum, and more at

Category: Family Concerns
Keywords: home parent,father,stay-at-home dad,child,SAHM,SAHD,quit job,becoming,stay-at-home mom,mother,WAHM

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