Buying the Most Enduring Funeral Monuments

Funeral monuments are the most lasting, and thus meaningful reminder, of your loved one after they have died, even more than caskets Toronto. The monument is the place you and family members will continue to visit, long after the funeral is over and the casket is buried, to honor and remember the deceased. Making the right choices regarding the monument can have lasting effect for all.

Monuments Toronto are generally larger than the more traditional grave marker. As a result, they offer you more options to personalize this memorial. The options you have to create a truly unique monument include the size, design, material used, epitaph and other personal reminders that might be included on it.

One of the first choices you will want to make is what material should be used. The two most common choices are granite or bronze. Granite is available in a variety of colors and grain patterns. So in itself, granite offers a range of options. However, bronze monuments are gaining in popularity. Indeed, some cemeteries are starting to require them as a means of creating a more symmetrical appearance across the grounds.

The second choice you will likely make about your monument is the size and design. Traditional grave markers lie flush on the ground. With monuments, you can purchase a beveled design, which stands slightly raised above the ground. You can also choose a slanted monument. This type often rises well above the ground and has one side cut on a slant where the epitaph is placed. A third common design option is a simple vertical rectangle. If you engage in funeral planning and are making the design choices for you monument before dying, you can actually work with the professionals to custom design your monument.

As you are deciding the size and design of your monument, you will want to consider how many people will eventually be remembered on it. A monument can be reserved to a single person. However, many married couples and families might prefer a larger monument that will engraved with the epitaphs for all.

When comes to deciding an epitaph, having a funeral monument offers you more room than a simple grave stone. This means that you can put more than the name and dates on monuments. When you are deciding about your monument during funeral planning, you also have the time to reflect on what additional words you might want to add, such as a quote, family motto, or prayer.

Because monuments offer so many options and are larger than just a grave marker, they are usually more expensive. You can mitigate the cost of a monument through funeral insurance, which can prepay its cost. Another way to manage the cost of your monument is through funeral planning before a death. If you wait until there has been a death, the easiest option is to purchase your monument from funeral homes, which include a hefty markup on price. When you take time for funeral planning, you can often find less expensive monument suppliers from whom you can purchase a monument.

Monuments are the eternal memorials for your loved ones. Take advantage of what they can offer through funeral insurance and funeral planning to make sure your loved one has a fitting remembrance.

Offering a large assortment of Toronto funeral homes and caskets toronto, to help meet your needs in your time of grief.

Offering a large assortment of Monuments to help you meet your needs in your time of grief.

Author Bio: Offering a large assortment of Toronto funeral homes and caskets toronto, to help meet your needs in your time of grief.

Category: Family Concerns
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