Horror Fiction Can Work in an Ebook Format Too

Although October is generally the time for horror movies, horror novels can and are read anytime. They provide a great escape when you want to confront imaginary scares instead of the one is everyday real life.

For so many years, I remember reading horror by hardcopy; curled up on the couch at night, book in hand, lights set just low enough too read by. It was awesome! But it was also a bit uncomfortable at the same time. I had to adjust the book to the arm of the couch so it would stay steady, smooshing the pages down with the palm of my hand over and over then finally just laying my open hand flat on the page I was reading so it wouldn’t fall over. That got frustrating and old pretty quickly as my hand covered up a good part of the text which pulled me out of the story and away from the imagery the words had formed in my mind. And if I chose to instead sat up straight while holding the book closer to eye level, in the end, I was left with fierce eyestrain and tired arms. Holding the book on my lap wasn’t much better, that only gave me ‘crook neck’.

Then came ereaders with their smallness and convenience and choice of formats. Good Night above, where had they been all my life? Not only could I buy and download my favorite genre (at somewhat cheaper prices than hardcopy books I might add) but my nightly reading went much smoother and longer. And you know what? The horror stories still make me jump at the slightest sound as I am following along on the screen. I simply hold it in one hand, prop my chin on the other and I’m GONE! The strain on my eyes is minimal as I can adjust the brightness and the font size to my liking. If you try to hold a physical book one handed, it flops in on itself or outward (depending on what type of book it is) which is just a nuisance. Now, there is nothing to disturb me; no jostling of the book, no obscured text and no sore neck.

I’m sure there are the ‘set in their ways’ types out there that want their paperbacks and hardcopy horror books and that all…speak no more about it! That the build up of dread, anxiety and frights aren’t the same without tapping their finger to their tongue and turning a page. To these people I say, give ebook formats a chance. You could even pick the format you like, or choose them all! Best of all, the horror in the physical book is the same as the horror in the ebook. Nothing gets changed, the story concept is still the same, the author who wrote it is still the same, the only thing is your horror reads will be easier to manage. And if you are an avid re-reader of horror fiction as I am, the ereaders stow your many formatted favorites in them and they bookmark! Come on, how can you not like that? I mean honestly, how many times have you dropped your book and lost your page?

So go forth horror readers, curl up on the couch on a dark night, dim the lights and enjoy a nice terrifying novel…as a ebook. Bet you’ll like it.

Nina Hobson is an owner of Hellicious Horrors™ Epublishing. The epublishing company devoted solely to horror ebooks starring straight, bi, gay, lesbian and transgender preteens – young adults. A supporting member of the Horror Writer\’s Association and a member of IBPA. http://www.hellicioushorrors.com

Nina Hobson is an owner of Hellicious Horrors™ Epublishing. The epublishing company devoted solely to horror ebooks starring straight, bi, gay, lesbian and transgender preteens – young adults. A supporting member of the Horror Writer\’s Association and a member of IBPA. http://www.hellicioushorrors.com

Author Bio: Nina Hobson is an owner of Hellicious Horrors™ Epublishing. The epublishing company devoted solely to horror ebooks starring straight, bi, gay, lesbian and transgender preteens – young adults. A supporting member of the Horror Writer\’s Association and a member of IBPA. http://www.hellicioushorrors.com

Category: Opinions
Keywords: horror, ebooks, fiction, formats, reading

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