Are You Aware of These Important Facts Concerning Vasectomy Reversal?

Definition of vasectomy reversal.

Vasectomy reversal involves a minor surgery performed on a man who had previously had a vasectomy carried out on him to bring back his ability to sire children. The sperms which had previously been blocked from reaching the prostate glands are now free to move and come out through ejaculation. During the surgery, the previously severed ends of the vas deferens are joined together .The vasectomy procedure is therefore undone. If the vas deferens is blocked a different procedure is carried out where one of the ends of the vas deferens is joined to the epididymis to enable the sperms to move .The procedure is called vasoepididymostomy and is carried out on patients who have stayed for a long time of ten to fifteen years after the vasectomy procedure was carried out on them.

How much will it cost to have a vasectomy reversal procedure?

The amount of money you pay to have the procedure carried out will be determined by the country where the procedure is being carried out. The surgeon to carry out the procedure and the reputation of the clinic where the procedure is being carried out will also determine the amount that you will end up paying. The aspect of money however should not come in before the chance of success which will be determined by the above two factors. One should not therefore look for the cheapest surgeon or clinic since cheap can turn out to be expensive in the long run. Although one is likely to pay 10,000 -15000 us dollars for the procedure in the united states, it will be cheaper in Canada where one can pay around 4000 dollars. In case you choose to have an epidural anesthetics instead of going to hospital the cost could come down further. This will however be determined by the doctor and can only be possible if the minor surgery is carried out without any complication.

What are the chances of succeeding after the reversal procedure?

Several factors will determine the success of the vasectomy procedure among them the passage of time after the vasectomy procedure. Those who have stayed for long have a slimmer chance of succeeding than those who have less than five years. Those who have Vasovasostomy procedure are more likely to succeed after a few months than those who have vasoepididymostomy who have a low rate of success at 30 %.

What is the guiding factor in choosing a surgeon for the procedure?

You need to take your time to research and consult with different people before settling for a surgeon. You should go for one with a lot of experience, skilled and one who has a positive feedback from those who has passed through his skillful hands. Find out whether is is able to carry out a vasoepididymostomy if required. Any qualified surgeon can comfortably perform both types of vasectomy reversal.

For how long should one wait after a vasectomy reversal before one can father a child?

One can stay for eight to twelve months before confirming the success of a reversal process through conception of the partner. Since people are different, the results can also be expected to be different with some couples reporting success after three months while others take longer. One should however wait for around 24 months before trying out another method.

Seomul Evans is a SEO Services consultant for Vasectomy Reversal Clinics and a contributor for a leading blog about Reversing Vasectomy.

Seomul Evans is a SEO Services consultant and a contributor for a leading Vasectomy Reversal blog:

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is a SEO Services consultant for Vasectomy Reversal Clinics and a contributor for a leading blog about Reversing Vasectomy.

Category: Family Concerns
Keywords: Health, Medical, Vasectomy, Vasectomy Reversal, Infertility, men health

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