What Everyone Keeps Secret About Attention Deficit Disorder

Anyone who has loved a person living with Attention Deficit Disorder knows it has more than its shares of ups and downs. Struggling with the inability to concentrate can make it difficult to do well in school and attain later goals. Young children get scolded for not finishing something and adults are left to wonder why they can’t complete tasks they set out to. Attention Deficit is becoming diagnosed with an increasingly frightening frequency.

Do Genetics Play A Part In ADD

There is a lot of study and speculation about Attention Deficit and whether or not it can be genetic. And because of this, there are many different foundations that are coming forward to help raise funds to further the research for attention deficit disorder. A naturally occurring chemical found in the brain called Dopamine is often lower in those who have ADD. Also, children with Attention Deficit Disorder have brain activity readings that are much slower than the average range. This is what is thought to be the major contributor in many of their behaviors. Because of the very measurable evidence in it coming down to biological makeup it is said to be connected to genes.

Symptoms Of Attention Deficit Disorder

Many times those in need of ADD treatment will be very hyperactive and unable to sit still. When asked to focus on something for a given period they will struggle to do so. What is ADD if not what the name actually implies: deficit disorder means a problem with depletion therefore they have a depleted amount of attention. This creates the difficulty with working on one thing for long. Often someone who is attention deficit will have problems remembering things.

Where To Seek ADD Treatment

For quite some time if you wanted help for attention deficit disorder then you would get a prescription. Now that there is a further understanding to the chemistry behind it, ADD treatment is evolving. There are many negative side effects that have been linked to these prescription drugs. In addition to that there is a youth subculture that sells theirs to friends and other classmates. For the person who doesn’t have ADD these pills actually speed them up and cause addiction problems. Because of these issues many doctors are starting to prescribe therapy and natural supplements in place of prescriptions.

There are many natural methods that are shared among families who surround a person with Attention Deficit Disorder. Relief has been achieved through increasing time outside and getting fresh air combined with light exercise. The increase in vitamin D is known to help with all kinds of body functions.

Changing the diet along with getting more activity will increase the chances of finding relief. Among these ideas people will also suggest is pet therapy. There are many stables that offer therapeutic riding programs for those struggling. Additionally, it’s a great idea to try an activity like yoga or Tai Chi that works with both concentration and exercise. This can help to give a better overall balance in the treatment of ADD.

This article written by Ian Moffat to assist families who have a loved one with an attention deficit symptom or condition. People need help to cope with and undertake treatments for this often misunderstood mental condition and you should visit http://www.attentiondeficithelp.com for more info.

This article written by Ian Moffat to assist families who have a loved one with an attention deficit symptom or condition. People need help to cope with and undertake treatments for this often misunderstood mental condition and you should visit http://www.attentiondeficithelp.com for more info.

Author Bio: This article written by Ian Moffat to assist families who have a loved one with an attention deficit symptom or condition. People need help to cope with and undertake treatments for this often misunderstood mental condition and you should visit http://www.attentiondeficithelp.com for more info.

Category: Family Concerns
Keywords: how to cure attention deficit disorder,coping with attention deficit disorder,

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