Moving On From A Breakup In 5 Steps

Breakups are tough, especially when you think you’re going to be with that person for the rest of your life. It seems like moving on from a breakup is absolutely impossible, so, for some, they just don’t move on. They sit at home with the Hagen Das and they cry while watching sappy romance movies. This type of behavior is self-destructive, so you have to motivate yourself to do the opposite.

Moving on from a breakup means telling yourself that it may not have been meant to be. There could be dozens of reasons why it didn’t work and why it may be a good that it didn’t work out. Perhaps, if not married, the two of you would have gotten married and been divorced within the year. That would mean valuable time wasted in looking for the one you’re really supposed to be with.

So know moving on from a breakup doesn’t have to be hard and that you can do so with these 5 easy steps:

Just face the facts and evaluate what went wrong. As hard as it is, evaluating the part that malfunctioned can tell you why it didn’t work out, why it was not fixable, and why it is best the two of you did not continue on your path toward even more destruction.

Take care of yourself and be gentle with yourself. It is okay to remember how the relationship made you feel, but tell yourself that you can feel that again because you will.

When you are having thoughts about your ex, turn that into creativity. You can take a shoebox or another type of box, decorate it any way you like, create a hole in the top, and write down on a piece of paper the thoughts you have about him when you have them and place the paper in the box. What you are doing is capturing those thoughts about him.

Make sure you arrange for a night out with your friends. The goal is to not meet someone else, but for you to continue the process of moving on from a breakup.

Once you are feeling stronger, you can create two columns on a sheet of paper. The column on the left is a list of everything that went wrong in your previous relationship and the column on the right is what you want in the ideal partner. It’s okay to have standards.

Once you are thinking about dating again, it is time to start. Go out with your friends to a local hot spot or create a profile on an online dating website and start talking to others. You can take your time, but don’t be surprised if the right person enters your life. If they do, you are simply confirming every reason why your previous relationship didn’t work and why methodically moving on from a breakup is so important.

Provides tips and articles on Dating, love, relationships, sex, marriage, divorce and more.

Author Bio: Provides tips and articles on Dating, love, relationships, sex, marriage, divorce and more.

Category: Break-up
Keywords: breakup, break-up, cheating, divorce, relationship, dating, marriage, love

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