Motherhood,And I Work Full-Time Too

When it comes to talking about super heroes working moms are seldom mentioned. Not a lot of people talk about the difficult realities that working moms have to face. They face new challenges at work every day only to return home and have a whole list of complications to deal with.

Many times, working mothers have husbands that are under the impression that housework is \”women\’s work\” and children that think their mother is their \”servant.\” Nevertheless, the children, and dad, are cared for each and every day. Many working mothers seem to have super hero strength, and endurance. Working moms have endurance that any NFL player could only dream of.

Imagine for a moment what it takes to be a working mom. You not only have to deal with a full work- day, sometimes even a ten-hour day, and then you have to come home and cook dinner. Not only that, they have to deal with children that might not be the most cooperative after a day’s worth of schooling and maybe even some hours of mind numbing television. Now she has to come up with a good meal that can feed upwards of four people if not more, and then clean the kitchen and set up the next day\’s food agenda. She does all of this and still hopes to have some time to \”unwind.\”

More women are starting to discover that there are some help-full hints, and some great options that can be incorporated to help lower the stress levels. For instance, some women have found great solace in Sofia’s Choice; Cooking Recipes website. I have been more than grateful for all of my readers support. Through the feedback and comments that I receive, I have been able to describe some of the solutions to common problems that I see in everyday living.

When a mom can delegate tasks to her husband or children, (sometimes easier said than done), working moms can take some of the pressure off themselves. With so many new technological developments, and helpful ideas online, many women are beginning to realize that they are not alone in this struggle. Millions of women are working daily, and taking care of a family successfully, thanks to some new methods that people are sharing and recommending online.

Greatness is found within working moms. A greatness that can only be described as \”truly inspiring.\” Never before has so much been demanded. They are the nucleus of the modern family and I am proud to be a part of it.

With the Internets tentacles wrapping its arms around our lives in an increasingly accommodating manner more is expected of the working mom. Housework is not becoming easier to do; it just seems it has to be done sooner.

The next time you see a working mom that seems to have it all together, know and understand the truly Herculean effort that she gives. Realize that she is one of the super heroes of these modern times. She can navigate through life\’s sometimes emotional rollercoaster, delegate tasks, make a family come together, and stay together.

Working moms: Absolutely the stronger sex.

Well thanks for listening, and I hope you enjoyed this:

Peace and Love:

Sofia V. McCartney

Sofia V McCartney is a writer and website developer living in Minnesota. For more information, please visit: or

Sofia V McCartney is a writer and website developer living in Minnesota. For more information, please visit: or

Author Bio: Sofia V McCartney is a writer and website developer living in Minnesota. For more information, please visit: or

Category: Family Concerns
Keywords: Working moms,family,stronger sex,internet,housework,modern family,NFL

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