Online Marketing Tools – Where Do You Start?

Have you considered the use on Online Marketing Tools for your business?

There are so many Online Marketing Tools available these days that you are spoilt for choice. These tools can really help you grow your business and help you work smarter and more efficiently. It\’s big business and I can bet your bottom dollar your competitors are already using some. You don\’t want them to have the edge over you, so do as they do. Streamline your processes and automate what you can to stay on top of your game.

How do you decide what Online Marketing Tools you need?

First you need to think about the areas in your business that are possibly repetitive and even time consuming. You need to decide which processes would benefit from automation.

Some of the obvious tasks are:

* Customer relationship management

* Digital product distribution

* Document sharing

* Email marketing

* Keyword research

* Lead generation and capture

* Online demonstrations

* Outsourcing

* Paid advertising

* Payment processing

* Press Release submission

* Time management

Be specific about what you want to achieve by automating these activities. You need to know what you want before you can find a solution.

Secondly comes research. Take time to look for different tools and solutions to meet your requirements. With plenty to pick from it won\’t take you very long to come up with a list to look at in more depth.

One way to start identifying solutions is to ask around. Word of mouth and personal recommendations are very powerful. Ask or try and find out what your competitors are using. Some will tell you and some won\’t. Anything you find out using this method could be a real gem as it can reduce your risk of trying something new.

Another key research tool is Google. Using keywords associated with the solution you are looking for, just Google them. Take special note of the paid AdWords ads at the top and right side of the organic search results. These companies may have just what you are looking for. Also, check out the relevant links from the organic results on the first few results pages.

From word of mouth and Google you should have around 10 to 15 products to look at.

Third you need to evaluate these online marketing tools. You need to look at the product features and see what looks like a good fit for your business. Check out the prices. Look for user guides. Gather as much information about each tool to allow you to compare them against each other.

As you look at the list and gather your information, knock them off one at a time till you are left with two or three. Unless off course there is a clear winner.

With a few left you can do one of two things. Have a look at the evaluation copies of the tools if available or just choose the one you feel is the best one for you.

If you go down the evaluation route, most paid for online marketing tools have a demo or cut down version these days. You may even find the cut down version does what you want without taking it any further.

Whatever you decide, don\’t delay. To get ahead you need to find yourself useful and effective online marketing tools to allow you to develop your business.

Andrew Briggs combines his years of experience in software development and internet marketing to help you find the right internet marketing tools for your business. Read his blog @ and let him guide you through your choices of internet marketing tools.

Andrew Briggs combines his years of experience in software development and internet marketing to help you find the right internet marketing tools for your business. Read his blog @ and let him guide you through your choices of internet marketing tools.

Author Bio: Andrew Briggs combines his years of experience in software development and internet marketing to help you find the right internet marketing tools for your business. Read his blog @ and let him guide you through your choices of internet marketing tools.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: Online Marketing Tools, Internet Marketing Tools, internet marketing

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