Pros And Cons Of Jogging Strollers

Jogging strollers are an option that many people will need to consider after having their baby. These strollers can be a great asset for a lot of people so it is important that you know the pros and cons of each option. Here, we take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of these strollers.

Pros of Jogging Strollers

One advantage of using these strollers is in the name. People who get these strollers can run or jog with these strollers. This can be a great benefit for many people who want to stay active but need to be close to their baby. Here, all they need to do is make sure the front wheel is locked and they can do their run.

A second benefit to these strollers is that they work effectively in many settings where traditional strollers do not work well. This can include things like gravel parking lots, grass fields, or even having to navigate medians, curbs, or uneven surfaces. In all these areas, the inflated tires of jogging strollers will provide shock absorption that will allow it to perform far better than a traditional stroller.

A third benefit is that these strollers have 3 wheels as opposed to 4. This makes it easier for people to navigate as sharper turns can be made with these strollers when the front wheel is unlocked. This makes it very easy to use these strollers in settings where space is tight like perhaps a retail store aisle. This is also a marked improvement from the past where people would not even consider using a jogging stroller for anything but open jogging trails and sidewalks.

Cons of Jogging Strollers

Of course, these strollers do have some disadvantages as well. One example of this is that by forgoing an extra wheel, they are also foregoing a certain amount of stability. This basically means that it is possible for these strollers to tip over more than a traditional stroller although this is somewhat mitigated because the person is not in the stroller like they would be compared to say a motorcycle or scooter.

A second drawback of these strollers is that they are a little heavier than a traditional stroller. This makes them a little harder to put in your car for travel and will discourage their daily use a little more than a regular stroller. Now, the strollers have improved considerably from 20 or 30 years ago but they still are heavier and bigger than traditional ones.

A third downside to these strollers is that the high end strollers can easily reach over $400 and much more. This can scare away many people. Fortunately, there are also some value options that are much more affordable making it a more attractive option for the masses.

By keeping all these different pros and cons in mind, you should have a better understanding of the value of these jogging strollers. This should help you better decide if they are right for you and your baby.

For more information on jogging baby strollers, click on the previous link or check out our full review on our top choice in jogging strollers at baby jogging stroller.

For more information on jogging strollers, click on the previous link or check out our full review on our top choice in jogging strollers at

Author Bio: For more information on jogging baby strollers, click on the previous link or check out our full review on our top choice in jogging strollers at baby jogging stroller.

Category: Family Concerns
Keywords: jogging strollers, strollers, stroler, jogging stroller, jogger strollers, jogger stroller,

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