Social / Personalized Reading

In fact, now, almost all reading applications read about social and personalized reading both of both, like fresh fruit, Zaker, Netease reading, there is not much to differentiate. Admittedly, these complete application preference settings, you can give users a good experience for personal customization. However, it will still result in the duplication of information, reduce the quality of the information, resulting in the echo chamber effect and reduced makes an unexpected discovery.

Caused duplication of information

In addition to social and personalized reading mode, the current reading application also includes Google Reader RSS Read and Read it Later (Pocket) later reading, etc. – some even the traditional the reading applications bookstores mode are added in.. Consequences of one-pot is causing a lot of duplication of information, in addition to many of the channel\’s content is also a variety of repeat, this duplication is not only a waste of time and effort, it also caused to some extent on information anxiety, irritability.

2. Reduce the quality of the information

Web2.0 website similar to a lot of reading application grasp the technology, and focus on the product, and focus on the market at the same time ignore the content itself, or that is to ensure that the amount of content to ignore the quality of the content. To really attract the user is always 80-20 criteria that 20% of the content. Information technology, we want to always be something of a handful of high-quality, instead of being immersed in the overall hodgepodge.

3. Eliminate information overload

The reason for information overload is unreasonable, then filtering mechanism based on social sharing and personalized custom filtering mechanisms can eliminate information overload? Can you just open a channel applications certainly still eyeful keyword polymerization from some channels direct machine overall crawl like such a classification of digital technology, the Internet does not accurately duplicate channels polymerization is common addition to information obtained from Sina microblogging social network is more often associated with the previous information repeated, we can say that the current reading applications help eliminate information overload is not great.

4. Produce the echo chamber effect

Personalization and customization tools there is a risk, because they will have the effect of the echo chamber (echo chamber), that we read only what we want to read something, so you will only hear the discussion we want to hear. Information or ideas in a closed inner circle has always been strengthened, self-consciousness would be reduced. This algorithm led filtering will reduce our extended vision to lead your own life in a closed circle, thinking you want to always be correct. News Network, the Global Times, for example, live only reference to the message and then they will always see several pieces of news.

5. Surprised to discover that the decrease

Daily reading, we often have some information we did not expect that there will be, which we call \”accidental discovery\”, the content of this unexpected discovery often gives us the impression deeper more meaningful. Recommended algorithm mainly based content generation is weaker than in the \”accidental discovery\” (accident and algorithm temporarily conflict), the long run, our information contact surface may become increasingly narrow, homogenization, and thus lose had found the opportunity to give us inspiration and surprises of new information. In addition, for the extension of the range of personal interests is quite unfavorable.

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Category: Education
Keywords: Social / personalized reading

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