What Kind of Media Should I Use in My Tradeshow Display?

Fine-tuning a trade show display can take some real time and effort. While to the customer it may just look like a bunch of booths thrown up with free samples and loud salesmen, the decisions and considerations that go into a really successful trade show appearance are numerous and can become quite involved. For those beginners, or those old pros that are looking to revamp their image, one of the biggest decisions to make regarding your display is which kind of media is most appropriate for your business. While the options are many, taking the time for a little evaluation can remove much of the stress and concern from the trade show process.

Technology has expanded media possibilities far beyond their humble beginnings, but before you commit to a particular medium, take a moment and think about how you can make the best impression on the visitors to your booth. What kind of business or product are you promoting? Is it a service where clients will be able to see significant before and after differences? Or is a product whose purpose is best explained with an active demonstration? All of these are important questions to answer before deciding on your method of presentation.

Consider your audience as well. If this is a show that will be open to the public, remember that people interact at different skill levels. While having a computer set up that allows potential clients to tour your website or use interactive tutorials may be effective for younger clients, an old-school pro might prefer a more personal approach to your business, such as a one-on-one discussion or a hard-print catalogue or manual to flip through.

One thing to remember is that even the most memorable, exciting display at a show can be easily dismissed afterward if visitors aren’t provided with a means of reference after their departure. To this end, it is always a good idea to have print information (a flyer, brochure, or booklet) of some kind available for distribution. This will provide customers with both a reminder of your product or service, as well as a way to reach you after the show’s conclusion. If you have a website or blog, you should include the web address in your literature, so that your web-savvy customers also have the option of finding your business online.

It may be a given, but one of the most important things to include in your trade show display is a healthy supply of business cards. Business cards are naturally attractive to customers as they can be easily tucked away in a wallet or purse, and high-quality cards convey an inherent sense of professionalism. It can also be useful to provide customers with a few extra cards to hand out to friends, family or co-workers. Word of mouth referrals are some of the most powerful, and providing a business card to back up that referral can make a very favorable impression.

Lawrence Reaves writes for Exhibit Deal – http://www.exhibitdeal.com/- who provides trade show displays and other trade show accessories.

Lawrence Reaves writes for Exhibit Deal – http://www.exhibitdeal.com/- who provides trade show displays and other trade show accessories.

Author Bio: Lawrence Reaves writes for Exhibit Deal – http://www.exhibitdeal.com/- who provides trade show displays and other trade show accessories.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: trade, show, booth, exhibit, sales, marketing, exhibits, business

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