Which Marketing Tool is Best?

Promoting your company’s products or services is key to making your company successful. However, which marketing tools is the most effective, and what are the real differences between them.

Let’s look at trade shows as a marketing tool compared to the range of other marketing tools available. There are certain characteristics that make a trade show stand a long way apart from other marketing tools.

Take the attendees and the trade show booth staff for examples; everyone at the trade show wants to be there so you have supply and demand where both parties are concentrated in one particular place. Apart from traveling to the trade show in the first place, no one has to travel to meet up with other.

There is direct contact between the people wanting to buy a product or service and those wanting to sell a product or service. This allows exhibitors to analyze how potential customers react on their products or services and questions can be answered and queries sorted; effectively, a trade show offers the right climate for all parties.

Trade shows enable you to advertise and promote your company’s products and services to a vast number of people, thus minimizing cost and other business expenses. So while it is accepted that trade shows do require a reasonable investment, if organized and planned correctly they will pay for themselves quickly, because of the concentration of buyers and suppliers in the same place. Take a typical trade show with 1,000 exhibitors and about 10,000 attendees; you can expect to get over 200 visitors to your display in a single day. Now compare that to making sales calls; there’s no comparison.

You now know that a trade show give you the opportunity to not only show your product or service, but also create that all important first impression. Consider a trade show as a chance to demonstrate the products or services of your company, a direct way to road test new markets or perhaps launch new products and services, a chance to find out what customers want and at the same time it provides a wonderful opportunity to network.

A trade show also gives you the opportunity to provide visitors to your booth with informative literature. You can also provide giveaways; promotional items that people will find useful and keep.

There are so many things you can do to promote your company while at a trade show that you can’t do using any other method. The Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) says that trade shows provide the most effective method of marketing a company’s products and services.

Use the strategies wisely and you will bring business to your trade show booth. The number of people attending trades shows has been increasing year on year, despite the poor economic climate and CEIR research suggests that this increase will continue and the number of venues holding trade show exhibitions will rise.

Don’t miss out on what must surely be the best marketing tool available.

Lawrence Reaves writes for Exhibit Deal who provides trade show displays and other trade show accessories. For more information about trade show displays visit http://www.exhibitdeal.com/products-floor_display.html

Lawrence Reaves writes for Exhibit Deal who provides trade show displays and other trade show accessories. For more information about trade show displays visit http://www.exhibitdeal.com/products-floor_display.html

Author Bio: Lawrence Reaves writes for Exhibit Deal who provides trade show displays and other trade show accessories. For more information about trade show displays visit http://www.exhibitdeal.com/products-floor_display.html

Category: Marketing
Keywords: trade, show, booth, exhibit, sales, marketing, exhibits, business

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