Survival Planning Basics – You Have to Start Somewhere

When it comes to making sure that nothing happens to you and your family, you’re going to have to start to think about things right now. You need to be absolutely certain that you know something is going to go down, and not just messing around. Whether you believe that a zombie uprising is coming, a chimp-pocalypse, or any sort of disaster is looming, you have to believe that it’s going to occur in your lifetime and with that in mind, start to prepare for the worst. If nothing happens, great, that’s amazing, but if in fact something does occur, be ready with the following survival planning basics that you’ll need to adhere to right now.

Stock Your Storage Unit

If you have any sort of extra storage at all, make sure that you start to put stuff away. Make sure that you look for food, water, and canned goods that will last a couple of years and store them in a safe place. Make sure that you plot out around 2 meals a day and plenty of water. You’ll want more water than food as you can go a long time without food but you can’t go very long without water. Look for things that you can easily get without having to cook them, and that have a long shelf life. Start storing now, and you’ll be ready in a few months.

Exit Strategy – Another Place

If you own your own home you can establish an escape plan that includes going underneath the home, in the yard, or even the garage. The key here is to find an area in the home that will be safe for you and your family in case there is chaos about. If these are not safe, than look at your local community and try to figure out where the safest place is and have a plan for you and your family to meet there. It’s best to be near the supplies so consider that when you’re attempting to leave your home. If you’re not keen on this idea, than look to prepare an emergency system for protection in your own home, whether it’s plywood so that you can board up windows, or it’s extra raw materials to build a makeshift storage, make sure that you’re ready for anything with a good exit plan.

Weapons – Non Lethal and Beyond

One of the hot topic ideas that needs to be at least discussed in a serious manner is whether or not you’ll be purchasing weapons that are either lethal or non lethal. This could come in handy for protection and while the local laws permit make sure that you’re looking into this option. Purchasing something that will keep you safe, and you can train your family to use. This is not mandatory, which is why it deserves a conversation between your family. If you decide that you don’t want a gun or anything like that, look for non-lethal protection like mace, baseball bats, paintball guns, dart guns, and other protective devices that are not lethal at all.

Whether you’re planning for a natural disaster or you’re going to make sure that your family is ok if a zombie uprising occurs, you not only need to believe that it will no doubt happen you need to make sure that those around you believe too. Getting them to understand the reasons why you’re working on survival planning is very important.

If you are looking for information on survival planning, click on the link. Or you can head over to Zombie Arsenal at for a copy of the Ultimate Survival Skills Guide on Sale now!

If you are looking for information on survival planning, click on the link. Or you can head over to Zombie Arsenal at for a copy of the Ultimate Survival Skills Guide on Sale now!

Author Bio: If you are looking for information on survival planning, click on the link. Or you can head over to Zombie Arsenal at for a copy of the Ultimate Survival Skills Guide on Sale now!

Category: Education
Keywords: survival planning

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