The Benefits of Multi-channel Lead Development

Insurance agents and financial advisers are always in search of ways to get the attention of potential customers and clients; and it’s not always as easy as you would suppose to drum up business using traditional media channels. Especially as someone trying to gather insurance leads or doing venture prospecting of any sort, your primary target audience consists of relatively high net worth individuals and running ads in newspapers, or on local radio or television doesn’t project the kind of image that you’d like to present.

You want to catch the eyes and generate interest among the people you’re trying to reach in a way that gets you tangible results; but you don’t want to end up with a marketing strategy which comes across as tacky or worse still, desperate. There’s a better way; one which is truly effective and gives you qualified leads who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer. It’s our own proprietary system and the results speak for themselves.

Our System

At, we do things a bit differently than other lead generation companies. We’ve gone the extra mile (many extra miles, in fact) and have built partnerships with publications with affluent, which feature our tear-off cards. We also work with some of the nation’s largest retailers who include our cards as inserts in billing statements. Additionally, we’ve partnered with utility companies in select markets, giving us an incredibly broad reach which allows us to help you reach your market, whether you’re doing venture prospecting or looking for insurance leads.

We may be able to reach almost everyone, but that doesn’t mean that we target just anyone. We use different, carefully developed criteria for different products and services – and what that means for you is that we know exactly who our leads are and what they’re interested in. It’s laser-focused target marketing for an ever more competitive world.

For example, our target demographic for annuities consists of high net worth individuals aged 50 and up, while our life insurance leads are, by and large, middle class individuals between the ages of 40 and 70. If you’re a financial planner, our leads are primarily people over 45 with a net worth of more than $750,000 – in other words, if you’re looking for insurance leads or potential clients for your financial planning services, we can introduce you to the people you’d like to talk to.

Why Us?

Certainly, there are other market research and lead generation firms out there who can give you well-researched leads, but at, we offer much more than just pre-qualified leads. We also provide you with an unparalleled level of support, including marketing tools like letters and scripts designed for your audience. We can give you the leads and tools you need to become a leader in your market – and if you have any questions, we’re always here to help. We’ve been able to continue to grow and provide ever more to our clients for one very simple reason: We’re just as dedicated to your success as we are to our own.

Ron Franklin, Marketing Director

Ron Franklin, Marketing Director

Author Bio: Ron Franklin, Marketing Director

Category: Marketing
Keywords: Marketing Leads, Insurance Leads

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