Black Belt Recruiting Review: 25 Monthly MLM Enrollments?

You’re reading this review because you are interested in Mike Dillard’s Black Belt Recruiting product. If you read this article completely, you should be able to determine whether or not this MLM training course is right for you.

Mike Dillard developed the Black Belt Recruiting product in an attempt to help struggling multi-level marketers meet their recruiting goals. If you are reading this as a tenured network marketer, you know how profitable this sort of home-based business can be.

That being said, you are also probably aware of how difficult recruiting and sales can be. In Black Belt Recruiting, MLM guru Mike Dillard aims to show fellow network marketers how to cure their marketing woes and recruit their way into financial freedom.

Understanding the Prospecting Process

With all of the training programs out there, what makes the Black Belt Recruiting program stand out? Black Belt Recruiting is not just a generic marketing training DVD series.

This program is specifically aimed to help network marketers through the prospecting/recruiting process. In case you are unaware, Mike Dillard is considered one of the multi-level marketing industry’s most efficient and ‘successful’ recruiters.

This product focuses on the exact methods he uses to sponsor more than 25 people every single month. Most network marketers don’t come close to this figure. So what exactly will you learn from Black Belt Recruiting?

This training program focuses on improving the following areas:

Positioning – Also known as posturing, positioning is the idea of establishing yourself as an authority. There is a very popular saying in the network marketing niche; “people don’t join

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