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How to Be an Online Tailor-Enroll in an Online Class

If you want to be an online tailor and make tailor made shirts, you have come to the right place because this article will give you some tips on how to become one. Being a tailor does not require high academic skills or a college degree. As long as you love to sew, repair, or […]

The 1980s – the Era That Fashion Never Forgot

Without doubt, the fashion era that has just past is always going to be the one that inspires the most ridicule and disbelief. The suited 60s boys would laugh at the 50s hillbillies; 60s/70s hippies would mock the fashion obsessed 60s; and the over the top 80s fashionistas no doubt sneered at their hippy forebears. […]

Americana: Blue Jeans and Chinos?

OK, I misquote the venerable Mr Holly Johnson there by a letter or two, but this image of the American man\’s way of dress doesn\’t really seem to apply any more. Jeans in particular are the item of clothing that have most been associated with USA popular culture, from rock\’n\’roll to the hippy movement to […]

I Wanna Play Like You: Why Disney Music is Ideal For Teaching

From their blockbuster movies to television hits, Disney films have always been loved as much for their music as for their stunning animation and storytelling. Although modern audiences will be familiar with the names behind the movies of the past few decades, with names like Elton John, Tim Rice and Randy Newman penning modern classics, […]

Mens Fashion Tips For 2011

There are a number of garments and fashion accessories, which do not care about your gender or race, but these depend upon your body language and community education. Often, the male population faces a number of problems in selecting the method close and system designs, while women have the entire designs, kinds and a comprehensive […]

Classroom Cheating – Why Students Do It

Cheating in school is one of those things that really had no place in the earliest learning institutions, because there would have been no point to it. If you go all the way back to the time when tutors would teach individuals or small groups about what was known about the world at the time, […]

Antique Lamps – the Dragon and the Pearl

Mankind has always developed mythologies in an effort to explain and understand his place in the world. This has led to the development of abstract thoughts and ideas that require symbols to bring the ideas into form. The most ancient of these mythological symbols is the Chinese dragon. Chinese philosophical thought is the oldest in […]

Walmart Store Locator: Finding a Walmart is Easy

Using a Walmart store locator could not be any easier, most of us already no where our nearest Walmart store is. Sometimes we aren\’t in a familiar area though, this is really when a Walmart store finder, or locator can come in extremely helpful. Previously branded as Wal-Mart, Walmart is a multinational corporation in America. […]

Date Fruit Important to Western Civilization

Dates the fruit are not very popular in the United States. Dates have been around for a very long time and we could even say they are responsible for Western Culture. In the bible we will see references to date palms, date palm fronds, date honey, and date the fruit. Date fruit was very critical […]

Tiwanaku Alien and the Nazca Lines – Part 2

Quite a few Internet pages are dedicated to the Nazca Lines of Peru, and everywhere you see the same conclusion: the Nazca Lines are a great mystery or enigma. It makes me wonder if the people on this planet are lacking common sense, or else an aversion to any possibility of aliens is keeping them […]