Archive for the "Religion and Spirituality" Category


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The Enlightment Of Verdic Astrology

Vedic astrology also referred as ancient Indian science explains the motion of the planets and their positions with respect to time and their outcome on mankind and the several other entities on earth. The ancient Indian science can be effectively traced thousands years back. Earlier it was only limited to the movement of planets with […]

Astral Voyage – Learn How To Astral Travel

Astral voyage is related to the afterlife concept existing in different religious beliefs across the world. Man has always been intrigued by the concept of afterlife. Many religions propose that the physical body that is visible to the naked eye is just a covering and the real life implies the spiritual life that resides within […]

Love Forecast – Learn The Truth

You get up one fine day and see drastic change in your partner’s mood. You review all the activities that you did lately to figure out the reason, but in vain. What to do now? You are always left wondering and wishing if you could anticipate well in advance how your love life will turn […]

Online Tarot Readings

There are very few people who would not be interested to know their future. People around the world employ various methods to know their future. Tarot reading is considered as one of the most popular methods in the western world. This technique makes use of a set of tarots to predict your future. The conventional […]

How To Astral Travel

Do you want to know how to astral travel but you are struggling to finally let go and experience the wonderful joys of astral projection? You are now one step closer to doing an astral travel with my 4 week training plan you can find below. Practice Relaxation – 1st Week 1. Deep Breathing Relaxation: […]

AAA for the Soul – Attitudes, Attitudes, Attitudes

An attitude is one’s own personal concept of an experience that one then takes into his universe as a rule to live his life by. Most attitudes are learned as a child through interaction with the family. These can be by observation of a role model, father, mother, teacher, sibling, etc. or by an experience […]

Spiritual Journaling: Keeping a Journal to Tell Your Spiritual Story

“Spiritual journaling” may sound like an activity for pastors, theologians and religious leaders equipped for a daunting spiritual task. Many people believe that they don’t have a worthy spiritual story to share or a worthy way of sharing it. In reality God is alive and mightily at work in every life. You have a God […]

Tattoo Tribal Designs Is The Perfect Print For Your Skin

Tribal designs are significant drawing for those interested creating art printed onto their skin. From thousands of models to endless shapes, from multicolored ones to black and white, you have the opportunity to choose the one according to your personality and sense if style. Tribal designs are different from other kind of tattoos because there’re […]

Your Spiritual Journey – Planes 8 Through 12 & Beyond

The eighth plane is one of separation, similar to the sixth, where you are alone, but know that others of like mind are near. You feel comfortable with that thought, knowing that you will be reunited eventually, but also knowing that this is a necessary stage of being alone to synthesize and make future plans […]

How To Enhance Your Spirituality

Many people wish to be more spiritual and are uncertain of how to do it. If they were not raised with teachings of being spiritual, then it could be difficult to figure it out on their own. The important thing to remember on a quest for spirituality is that everyone’s spiritual experiences are different. They […]