New Kettlebell Exercises Outweigh Dumbbells

The kettlebell is an interesting workout device that comes from Russia where it is known as a girya. It is a cast iron weight that somewhat resembles a cannonball with a handle.

Many companies produce their own brands of kettlebells and accompanying exercise programs today. Modern models also feature adjustable weights and a surrounding layer of rubber for safety of the user and the floor.

They range from 5 lbs to 175 lbs while the traditional Russian kettlebell usually weighs 1 Pood, about 35 lbs/ 16kg. Currently, there are many options to choose from for every strength level.

They supposedly work better than dumbbells because the center of gravity extends beyond the hands like normal weights do, requiring the accessory muscles to work extra hard to stabilize the movement of each lift. The weights also swing more than traditional dumbbells, calling for increased stabilization.

The muscles that are engaged are called micro-muscles and are needed for balance, more than any other kind of weight. The existence of the handles allow for a wider range of movement in each motion.

New modifications have been made to this weight, the Sandbell(R) or Steelbell(TM) Tadalis SX contain neoprene bags filled with sand or steel shot. They too have a center of mass that reaches beyond the hands to allow for swinging movements and release moves with added safety.

Essentially, they are the same thing with a few renovated features. However, there is an additional grip, wrist, arm and core strengthening due to all the shifting Kamagra jelly fill material as opposed to the stationary filling of the solid iron kettlebell.

While all lifting weights are a good tool for strength training, they are all used in different aspects. We will mention some of those differences and then you can know what would yield the best results for you and your fitness regime.

Dumbbells are inexpensive and are often used to tone almost every muscle in the body. They use basic movements acquainted with weight lifting such as bicep curls, lying pec flies or tricep kickbacks.

They are perfect for isolating one muscle group at a time and are also great for adding weight to basic exercise moves like lunges and squats. They are available at any fitness store for purchase or are also found in almost every gym for your use.

Kettlebells are used primarily for swinging motions, so they end up combining strength training and cardio workouts into one. Since they tone your muscles while they burn calories, many think that they are more efficient.

These exercises target a wider range of muscle groups and different motions, so they increase flexibility while they tone your core muscles. They are a different way to get a new result.

If you are tired of your normal lifting routine, then these are a great option for you to try.

However, dumbbells should not be forgotten as they will get the job done.

Many prefer to avoid boredom in their workouts, so kettlebells could mix up the activity as well as the outcome for your body. Especially for athletes who want to develop an overall increase in strength and flexibility, they may want to incorporate some new exercises into their routines.

There are many instructional DVDs and videos streamed online for an education on how to use kettlebells, or you could ask someone at your local gym or fitness supply store. They have been around for decades but are recently taking flight in popularity, thus someone around is sure to be able to help you in your search to mix up your exercise routine.

The increase in difficulty of handling these workout tools make for a more efficient way of strength training. Pass along the information to someone new if you are looking to better the fitness community.

When using a kettlebell, you can execute the same exercises you can do with dumbbells, plus many more that involve swinging, pushing and balancing the bell. Your entire body will strengthen, especially your core which is involved every step of the way.

They require not only strength, but coordination. Thus, it is suggested that new comers start with lighter weights to adjust to the added resistance until they get accustomed to the new method of exercise.

Some exercises to research and try on your own include swinging squats and lunges. It is important and difficult to make sure that your technique prescription cialis and posture are correct while you are learning to ensure good habits in the future, but do not give up.

Author Bio: Tom Selwick has worked as a personal trainer for the last 14 years and written hundreds of articles about personal fitness. He recommends ( for your personal fitness needs.

Contact Info:
Tom Selwick

Category: Fitness/Equipment
Keywords: Kettlebell, Kettlebells

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