“Finding the Right Movie/TV Show for Your Home Workout”

If you have purchased any exercise equipment for your personal home use, you will know that it is absolutely essential to have some form of entertainment while you workout. After all, staring at the wall or even out the window can get dreadfully boring.

Music can be a great distraction, especially if you find songs which meet your stride and beat. However, after a few songs, your mind may begin to wander, and your vigor for your workout may quickly fade.

If you have a TV and DVD player in your home gym, this is the perfect entertainment to keep you pushing yourself throughout your entire workout. Watching a movie or catching up with your old friend Tivo is a fun way to make a workout fly by in half the time.

You may be wondering what the best media entertainment is when it comes to working out. Hopefully this article will provide some helpful suggestions that will spice up your workout, and keep you running for your life on that treadmill.

If you are running or walking on a treadmill, here are a few which might tickle your fancy: “Mission Impossible” is a good accompaniment for a runner with an average-paced stride. The music is fun and enthusiastic, you can run with Tom Cruise as he catches the bad guys, and that last train-jumping sequence will have you breaking a sweat!

“Behind Enemy Lines” is another treadmill favorite. It has edge of your seat suspense, great music, and compelling chase scenes.

If it is horror you are seeking, try “The Shining”-if your heart rate isn’t elevated enough, this should do it for you! Just be careful not to lose your step and fall when Jack Nicholson comes after you.

However, if you are more of a girly girl who loves her romantic comedies, try “The Proposal.” This is a fun one that will keep you laughing and entertained from beginning to end.

If you want to laugh but enjoy the oldies, “Some Like it Hot” will have you running for two hours before you know it. With clever humor, vintage charm, and great acting, this movie has been dubbed one of the greatest comedies of all time.

Perhaps your taste favors TV shows over movies. Fear not, there is a great one: “The Amazing Race.”

This show is a fast-paced, world traveling competition that keeps its contestants running. With pumping music, you will find yourself racing right along with them through Italy, Australia, Japan, and just about anywhere you can think of.

It is exciting, fun, and competitive-a great workout combination! When in season, find it on TV every Sunday night.

If you are on an exercise bike, your movie selection might change a bit. Here are some recommendations that will help you to pedal that extra mile.

Speaking of miles, “The Green Mile” with Tom Hanks is a great way to pass the time. Dramatic, intriguing, and beautiful, this movie will keep you on the edge of your bike seat.

If you love corny movies and have always dreamed of biking with Nicole Kidman, try “BMX Bandits.” When three adventurous Aussie teenagers witness a crime, their only hope is to hop on their bikes and pedal for their lives!

“Dumb and Dumber” is another good form of exercise entertainment. Maybe you will find yourself pedaling alongside them on their road-trip adventure, or perhaps you Levitra Professional will bike your way through Aspen with Jim Carrey.

Either way, make sure your pet’s heads aren’t falling off. If you are an avid elliptical machine user, you may find that it is easier to keep up your endurance than on a treadmill.

Because it is low-impact, it is easier for many to push their workout longer. Thus, if you are alright with a slower moving classic, try Paul Newman’s “Cool Hand Luke.”

This fabulous prison dramedy will have you laughing, crying, and falling in love with those deep blue eyes. Once again, if your preferences tend Viagra Professional toward romantic, you will find something like “Runaway Bride” entertaining.

You can even run away with Julia Roberts! It doesn’t get much better than that.

No matter your taste, movies and TV can be a fun-filled way to pass the time without keeping an eye on the clock. Give one a try, and see which genre suits your fitness fancy.

Author Bio: Tom Selwick is a personal trainer and author of numerous articles relating to physical training and home exercise equipment. He has been helping others find a greater fitness level since the 80’s.

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Tom Selwick
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Category: Fitness/Equipment
Keywords: home exercise equipment

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