My Job as a Registered Nurse

When I was a student I worked almost the entire week, including the weekend, to help my parents out and to support my two girls. The child support I received was not enough for my daughters, but I couldn’t be angry with my ex-husband because he did not have much money. I was employed at a hospital that could only schedule people on holidays if they volunteered. Thanks to this policy I was able to take off Thanksgiving and Christmas. Those were really the only holidays that I spent away from work, and I was grateful for both of them.

If I was not busy at work I was studying at home. Even when I devoted most of my spare time to studying there just was not enough time to study everything. I went to class five days a week, and I worked Friday nights, Saturday evenings, and Sunday days. I worked hard and was determined to make something of myself for the sake of my children.

After graduation I took my license tests. Then I waited on pins and needles for six weeks to find out if I passed. I left the test room not knowing the results, which tested my nerves. During the waiting period, I still worked my normal schedule of seven days a week. I finally got my results, and my score was the second highest in my class. Later I went for an interview with the Dean of Nurses, and I got hired as a licensed nurse. At present, I am a fully fledged nurse.

One year after graduating I took a little vacation. I then worked a little over two years before I had any real time off. I had a steady full-time job, and I had every fourth weekend and one week day off. It was much nicer than my work schedule during school. Would I go through that again? Sometimes I think, “No way buster!” But then I think about the things I learned and the wonderful patients and employees I met. Yes, I guess I would go through Kamagra Soft it again, but I would not work myself like a slave.

When I started working as a nurse I realized I learned more after I got out of school. I learned things that were never covered in class like how to deal with irate families, how to deal with seeing someone die who had no family or no No prescription cialis chance to live, how you learn to love some people, what happens when you make your first medication area, and the first time you assist a doctor during a hemorrhoidectomy. The hands-on experience has taught me almost as much as the classroom did.

Nursing has its rewards as well as its disappointments. I help people get better, but I see death, bloody patients from accidents, abused children, gunshot wounds, and burn patients. I see God’s work in making miracles. I see the ones that God calls home when I see that smile or out stretched hand of a patient just before taking that last breath. I chose a career that gave me an insight into the beauty and the ugliness of the world. I am a nurse and I love it.

Author Bio: MedicalJobs.ORG ( explores many different healthcare careers and medical jobs. A detailed Registered Nurse job description is available on the site. Learn more about Registered Nurses at

Category: Career
Keywords: Registered Nurse, careers, jobs, medical, healthcare, health care

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