Swiss Ball Ab Exercises: A Guide For Beginners

If you want to do Swiss Ball Ab Exercises you should take advice prior to trying any sort of exercise program with this ball. When you are starting out with your Swiss Ball Ab Exercises there are 7 recommended ways to work with the ball.

The following list is a guide only and you must always get professional advice prior to commencing any training program, especially if you are encountering any sort of injury or back pain.

1: The Shoulder Roll – These can be done by placing the ball underneath your shoulder and rolling between 6-8 inches to your left and then do the exact same to your right.

You can do Levitra Professional these about 10 times on each side.

2: The Back Arch – Place the ball in the middle of your back placing your arms down by your sides. Bend your knees and then reach out using your arms and touch the ground above your head. You need to hold this position for roughly 10 seconds, after which slowly go back to your starting position.

You should be able to do this up to about 5 times but I would leave it at that until you are a more advanced user.

3: The Leg Extensions – To complete these you must lay over the ball ensuring that it is in the middle of your back. Beginning with both legs bent straighten your left leg and hold it for 5 seconds, then repeat this with your right leg.

You should be able to repeat this up to 10 times with each leg.

4: The Back Raises – Start off by lying over the ball on your stomach with your hands on the ground. Slowly arch your shoulders and lift your hands off of the floor, then arch your back up as high as is comfortable. You then revert to your original position and start the process again. You should be able to do this ten times.

5: The Sit backs – You need to be careful when doing this exercise as it involves having a good balance. Sit on the ball and using your arms to help you balance, slowly lean backwards and lift you legs up off of the ground. Hold this for approximately 5 seconds and then return to your starting position. This can be repeated five times.

6: The Forward Leans – Position your stomach on the Swiss ball then lean forward using your arms to keep balance. You then need to lift your legs as high as you comfortably can and hold for canadian generic viagra roughly 5 seconds. Once more this can be repeated 5 times.

7: The Leg Raises – Place your stomach on top of ball and lift your left leg as high as you are able to for 5 seconds, then repeat with your right leg. You should be able to do this ten Brand Viagra times for each leg.

There are more advanced Swiss Ball Ab Exercises you can try, but for starters you need to just focus on those listed above.

Author Bio: There are various ways of building muscles and getting fit, a lower abs workout is a good way to get started.
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Category: Fitness/Equipment
Keywords: swiss ball ab exercises, lower abs workout, build muscle strength,

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