“Making Time for a Quick Workout”

You may have heard that shorter workouts done throughout the day are just as effective at burning calories as one, longer workout. That’s great, but it’s confusing trying to figure out how to change your longer workouts into shorter ones.

If you only have ten or fifteen minutes at a time, how long should your warm up be? What exercises should you do, and how can you keep the intensity up to get an effective workout?

When it comes to cardio, there are number of ways you can Silagra work hard in the time you have. The key is to make the workouts intense.

If you only have ten minutes, you want to work as hard as you can in those ten minutes. If you can find ten minutes three times a day, you can get in a great workout.

If you only have a few minutes for cardio, your focus should be on intensity. Any activity will do, as long as you can work hard at it and get your heart rate up.

Here’s an example of a ten minute outdoor workout involving walking, running and jumping jacks. If you don’t like high impact, you can stay with the walking and add intensity by speed walking or adding hills to the workout.

To get a good outdoor workout in, try one minute of a warm up with a brisk walk. Next, begin to speed walk and get your RPE up to a six or seven.

Next up is one minute of running, getting up to an eight. Then throw in a minute of jumping jacks also at an eight.

Next, run yourself up to a nine, and then do a minute of jumping jacks at a nine. Another run at a nine comes next for one minute and then it is time to sprint for a minute-following this, walk for a minute to cool down.

This is a great way to control the intensity you are getting, and get a good burst of a workout in about ten minutes. Give it a try once a day and you may be surprised at the results.

You can also get some cardio in at work. If you have flights of stairs to work with, take ten minutes and divide your workout into one minute segments like the one listed above.

Start with a warm up such as walking up the stairs slowly, and alternate running up the stairs and walking down each minute. You can also try this Boot Camp Workout to do at home.

When it comes to strength training, you can do the same type of thing as cardio workouts. By doing compound exercises, exercises that target more than one muscle group, without rest between sets, you can squeeze in a strength training workout in ten minutes, if that’s all you have.

Ideally, it’s best to spend more time on your strength training to really target those muscles, but you’ll always have days when you’re short on time. Try ten minutes of strength training with resistance bands, or ten minutes isolating just your upper or lower body.

If you’re ready to try something different, the ten minute strength training workout will be sure to kick your muscles into workout mode. The workout takes you through ten different exercises and you’ll perform each exercise for twenty to sixty seconds, depending on your fitness level.

The exercises use either no equipment or a medicine ball, although you can do the entire workout without any equipment. Add intensity by adding weight to the exercises. Be sure to check with your doctor before you begin any type of exercise program and modify the workout according to your fitness level.

Now, balance out these intense ten minutes workouts with the proper amount of rest. Eat plenty of nutritious foods, and do your best to drink lots and lots of water.

If you take of your body, it is sure to take care of you, too. Working out every day, even for ten minutes, is one of these essential ways that you need to take of yourself.

Start slowly, to make sure your body will respond in the right way, and work your way up to your strength. You will be able to do things you weren’t capable of before in no time.

Author Bio: Jack R. Landry is a personal trainer and author of numerous articles relating to physical training and home exercise equipment. He has been helping others find a greater fitness level since the 80’s.

Contact Info:
Jack R. Landry

Category: Fitness/Equipment
Keywords: home exercise equipment

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