Warming Up and Cooling Down on Treadmills

Aerobic activity is great for people of all ages, weights and athletic abilities. There are many forms of exercise that can be done on treadmills, but it is important to warm up and cool down.

Easing into and out of your aerobic exercise is just as important as the actual performance itself. Here are some ways to warm up and cool down safely for your heart, muscles, joints and breathing.

If you want to feel better, increase your energy and live longer, then you are ready to get started. However, do not get too excited.

It is important to start slowly with any kind of activity. If you start out running full speed without preparing your body, you could face setbacks like muscle strains and possible injuries.

Just like with a car, you cannot simply start out in fifth gear. You have to start in first, build up to second, then third, work up to fourth and then pop it into fifth.

It is important to help your body adapt little by little to your form of exercise. Start now by taking time to warm up before and cool down after your movement patterns.

Even on treadmills, there are some programs that can help you slowly move in and out of strenuous activity. If you do not like the programs on the treadmill, you can adjust the settings yourself.

Warming up is a necessary step that prepares your body for the rest of your active regime. It gradually revs up your cardio system which will steadily increase blood flow to your muscles and raise your body temperature at a manageable rate.

Choose a warm up activity that will involve the same muscular groups you will be using during your workout. For example, if you are going to walk quickly for 30 minutes, you should try walking slowly for five to ten minutes to warm up your body.

This is especially important if you have any tight, sore or previously injured muscles. In this case, you should stretch the affected muscles after you warm up.

A general rule for stretching is to hold each stretch for about thirty seconds. You should also remember to be gentle with yourself and to not bounce with sudden aggressive, jerky movements that may cause an even worse injury.

During your activity, you must be sure to listen to your body and when it tells you it is done. It is important to work towards goals, but it is even more important not to push yourself past your physical limits.

This is usually a problem only with serious trainers. Be sure to keep your activity in your skill level and work up to any goals within reason.

To simply maintain a weight and be healthy, a steady walking pace may be all that is necessary. This will depend on your health and fitness goals as well as your physical capabilities.

When you are finished working out, it is important to take time to cool down. This will do the opposite and necessary work of the warm up.

This will gradually reduce the temperature of your muscles and could help reduce muscle injury, stiffness and soreness. Viagra Professional

Similar to warming up, after your workout, you can walk or continue your activity at a low intensity for five to ten minutes. For example, after walking quickly for 30 minutes or so, you can cool down by slowly walking for five to ten minutes.

It is also important to remember to stretch after you cool down so that your muscles will be warm and receptive to stretching. Regular stretching will also increase your flexibility, improve your circulation and maximize the range of motion in your joints allowing you to be more agile and physically capable.

You should focus on your main muscles like your calves, thighs, hips, lower back, neck and shoulders as well as any other muscles and joints you frequently use. Remember to hold each position for approximately 30 seconds.

Also, remember to repeat each stretch on the opposite side, like with legs. This way, you can stay balanced and even.

Treadmills are great for aerobic activity, but you must remember to warm up and cool down surrounding your workouts. This will keep you healthy and happy for life.

Author Bio: Ronald Pedactor has worked in the exercise and health industry for 31 years. When searching for a good deal on exercise equipment he suggests getting someone knowledgeable to give you a treadmill comparisons, and tell you their qualities.

Contact Info:
Rondald Pedactor

Category: Fitness/Equipment
Keywords: treadmill comparisons

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