Exploring the DEA Agent Career

If you are interested in the professional work conducted by the organization known as the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, you should spend some time exploring the DEA Agent career. This particular agency has been hailed as the largest agency in the world that deals directly with drug enforcement.

If you are interested in making a positive contribution to the nation as well as the general population of the world, you could benefit in several ways by becoming involved in a career in the DEA. In this career guide, you will receive detailed information on how to get started in the DEA Agent career.

Educational Qualifications:

If you are interested in obtaining a position in the DEA Agent career, it is important to understand that there are basic educational requirements. The most basic of all educational expectations for the individual that is interested in this career field is a bachelor’s degree. However, there are special considerations made for certain individuals that possess certain types of degrees.

For example, if a person has a special degree in any type of Police Science field or has a special degree in the field of Criminal Justice, they may be considered for this position. It has also been established that individuals that have special education degrees in subjects such as those in foreign languages may be considered for this position.

It is important to understand that once you become involved in the DEA Agent career, you will be required to attend special training sessions. There is an actual training facility that you will be required to attend. This is located in the City of Quantico, which is located in the State of Virginia. This facility requires a training session that lasts for a total of sixteen weeks. During the course of the educational session, you will learn about the following components of the DEA Agent career:

1. You will be introduced to various types of legal and illegal drugs so that you are able to effectively recognize them.
2. You will learn the national and international laws pertaining to drug enforcement agents.
3. You will learn how to write detailed legal reports.
4. You will receive detailed information on the ethics that Agents for the DEA are expected to adhere by.
5. You will learn how to defend yourself through the use of defensive tactics.
6. You will learn about shooting and using various types of weapons in order to defend yourself, others, and uphold the law.
7. You will also receive an education in the use of deadly force.

As you can see, the DEA Agent career is a relatively exciting one that involves learning many different aspects of the law and information pertaining to drugs. If you are seeking a career that is rewarding and will provide you with the financial stability that you need to succeed in today’s economic climate, working with the United States Drug Enforcement Administration is the way to go.

It is hard to cover everything you need to know in this short article. You should visit websites that cover the career for more information.

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Author Bio: Copywrite Kenneth Echie. Kenneth is a writer, expert author, and publisher. He currently writes for Criminal Justice Degree. Get free scholarship report and learn to Become DEA Agent by visiting. Also see: Extra Money Ideas

Category: Career
Keywords: DEA Agent,DEA Agents Career,DEA Agent Schools,DEA Agent Training,DEA Agents Jobs

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