What is an Accounting Clerk

An accounting clerk is one of the most common positions in Fortune 500 companies as well as millions of small businesses across the United States. Businesses conduct billions of transactions a day and need hundreds of thousands of accountants in order to ensure that these transactions are properly recorded. Thankfully, these positions do not require an individual to pass the CPA exam. However, there are some other requirements and information that potential candidates should understand before applying to become an accounting clerk.

First, individuals should be aware that they must have a high school diploma. Candidates who do not possess a high school diploma or GED are most likely going to be ineligible for most positions. Second, individuals with experience are much more likely to get hired into this position than new candidates. Thankfully, there are some employers who are having difficulty finding employees with training and are willing to hire new workers as well as provide training. The training that a new employee receives typically lasts four to eight weeks and provides employees with a basic understanding of accounting as well as business procedures at their employer.

Accounting clerks can make a very reasonable salary. A typical employee has a starting salary that ranges from $28,000 to $32,000. This is an average salary for an employee who works a 40 hour work week. Best of all, employees typically qualify for all the benefits that their employer offers. This can include benefits such as tuition reimbursement, health insurance and retirement plans. Many employees are able to work with these companies for their entire career if they choose to. While most clerks work at entry level positions, there are opportunities to move into a higher level position. These positions include everything from managing other clerks to managing the entire company.

Accounting clerks also work in a very diverse section of the company. Some employees will work within the accounts payable and accounts receivable department while other employees will work in payroll. Employees may also work to balance the books in smaller companies as well as performing other tasks to assist the accountant. Clerks are often seen as assistants to traditional accountants but there are some clerks who may have passed the CPA exam and still remain working as a clerk. Typically, an employee who passes the CPA exam will make more money than an employee who has not.

Accounting clerks can also be found in banks and other financial institutions. They work as tellers but may also work as employees who handle day to day payments and account processing for credit cards as well as other financial products. Clerks do not have to stay within a single department. Many clerks will rotate through the company to learn as many positions as possible. This also helps a clerk to build work experience and meet other employees within the company. Best of all, this position can help to build up an employee with skills and strengths that enable them to work in other positions within the company or find other employment.

Are you looking for more information regarding Accounting Clerk? Visit http://www.accountingclerk.org today!

Are you looking for more information regarding Accounting Clerk? Visit http://www.accountingclerk.org today!

Author Bio: Are you looking for more information regarding Accounting Clerk? Visit http://www.accountingclerk.org today!

Category: Career
Keywords: accounting clerks,cpa exam,clerks work

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