Four Jedi Tips From Star Wars to Help You Revolutionize Your Hospitality Job Search

George Lucas may never have intended his Jedi Knights to serve as role models for hospitality job seekers, but there are a lot of helpful job search tips you can glean from the original Star Wars movies. If you adopt the techniques of the Jedi in your job search efforts, you can raise your odds of landing a good hospitality job. The Jedi\’s wisdom wasn\’t limited to meditating and communicating telepathically: it\’s surprisingly helpful when it comes to finding a job. Here are a few ways you can start applying the wisdom of the Jedi in your job search:

1. Use the Force (of the Internet)

A Jedi never limits himself to the physical world alone: he takes advantage of the Force. While you may not have access to the Force, you do have access to the Internet. Just like the Force, the Internet surrounds everyone and binds them together in a connected web. If networking in the physical world isn\’t going that well for you, you should try online job networking services like LinkedIn. LinkedIn is easy to get started with, and you will be surprised by how much it can help you with your job search.

2. Remember to Use Your Jedi Mind Tricks (Charisma)

Every Jedi knows that you can\’t always persuade someone through speech alone. Sometimes a Jedi mind trick or a little bit of charisma is necessary. Communication experts know that nonverbal communication is a huge part of how people communicate with each other. If you\’re saying all the right things, but your nonverbal communication is not congruent with your verbal communication, people will distrust you. Make sure you stand with a relaxed, confident posture. Don\’t appear arrogant, but don\’t look like you\’re desperate for a job either.

3. Avoid the Dark Side (Deception)

It\’s a fact that many job seekers lie on their applications. Don\’t be one of them. While some people are able to get a hospitality job by lying, they always run the risk of getting caught. Do you want to have to deal with the stress of your lies being discovered day after day on the job? As much as you want a job right now, don\’t succumb to the temptation to lie to get one.

4. Be As Patient As Yoda

Yoda waited years and years for the Jedi to rise again. You probably won\’t have to wait years for the successful conclusion of your job search, but you will need to be patient. Searching for a hospitality job is a process that is inherently fraught with uncertainty. You will probably have to look diligently for a job for months. Remind yourself to be patient when you\’re feeling frustrated. The more patient you are, the more likely you are to be able to sustain the motivation necessary to continue searching for a job. No job search is hopeless until you give up.

Finding a hospitality job isn\’t easy in the current economic climate, but with hard work and diligence it is possible. Keep in mind the lessons of the Jedi as you go about your job search, and you will be able to maintain a sense of humor. If you persevere long enough and maintain a good attitude, you will likely succeed.

Gail Wise is a regular article contributor to Hospitality Jobs LA. Find Hospitality Jobs In Los Angeles.

Gail Wise is a regular article contributor to Hospitality Jobs LA.

Author Bio: Gail Wise is a regular article contributor to Hospitality Jobs LA. Find Hospitality Jobs In Los Angeles.

Category: Career
Keywords: hospitality jobs, hospitality jobs in Los Angeles, Los Angeles hospitality jobs

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