Archive for the "Society" Category

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Army Jackets In Civvy Street. Can It Ever Work?

The military know a thing or two about clothing, and has done for thousands of years. Whether it’s designed to provide soldier with warmth, dryness, coolness, camouflage, protection, intimidation or pomp on the parade ground, it has evolved over the centuries into what it is now. Camouflage and khaki have now taken on semi-formal properties; […]

The Hawaiian Shirt – Popular Culture In Every Stitch

There can be few items of clothing so readily identifiable as being from one particular island group, but the Hawaiian shirt, or Aloha shirt, is one such garment. They were actually invented by a Chinese merchant who was based in Honolulu before the Second World War, and were constructed from the leftover pieces of kimono […]

Find the Scams

Have you or someone you know been the victim of a scam? What about the vehicle you currently drive? Where was it purchased? If at any time in your life you purchased a vehicle that did not live up to the advertised or spoken standards, you may have become a victim! I think we are […]

ABC Day-N-Night Bail Bonds

You or someone you know has been arrested. What happens now and what are your options? First, the accused is taken to a detention facility, whether county jail or local station lock up. There you are processed and given an arraignment hearing where the charges are stated along with the attached penalties. It is at […]

Bail Bonds Now

Hopefully, many of you reading this have not had much, if any experience in the area of bail bonds. We certainly hope this is the case. Either way, Bail Bonds Now is here to help you through the process. We have been serving northern Florida and south Florida for over twenty years. Our expert, compassionate […]

‘Ban Cigarette Sales to Anyone Born This Century’ – Excerpt From ‘101 Ways to Improve Australia’ by Jamie McIntyre

I’ve almost finished my latest book ‘101 Ways to Improve Australia’. It’s been a fascinating journey of research into the history of how Australia has become what it is today. The book is jam packed with many common sense ways to make Australia better. Idea number 63 below is an interesting one. Love to know […]

Is the Ocean in Jeopardy of Dying?

It may seem impossible for an ocean to die, but when the marine life that lives within the oceans start to die and as more and more species of fish and marine animals die it makes you wonder if the oceans aren’t beginning to die. Mankind has done a lot to rush this death on […]

Threats Against Seals

Hundreds of common seals, also known as harbour seals and grey seals are rescued from UK shores each year. Some seal pups become separated from their mothers and injured during storms but others, both pups and adults, have injuries that we humans have caused and that could have been prevented. Depending on the type of […]

5 Things Regarding the Sunshine Act

The Physician Payment Sunshine Act, signed into law by legislation in 2010 under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, enforces physicians, pharmaceutical companies, and medical supply manufacturers to report all monetary transaction and payments to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. These reports are then made freely available to the public over accessible […]

3 Things to Know About the Sunshine Act

The Sunshine Act was passed into law in 1976 in order to implement a greater transparency in governmental agencies by allowing every agency meeting to be open for public observation. This act helps involve citizens of the U.S. with governmental agency proceedings and meetings and ensures that the government is fully accountable for its actions. […]